Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Ph.D conspiracy is fuller than Gotham Robin.


Daily Kos member
TUE JUL 24, 2012 AT 10:47 AM PDT

The Promised Land - Part One of three parts

The third in our diaries addressing the conflict between Religious belief and Scientific method, THE PROMISED LAND in three parts persuades you to believe that you are entitled to inherit and own the Promised LAND.
Remember that when Moses set out from Egypt in search of the Promised inheritance he understood that it belonged to the Hebrews as the Chosen of God. Jesus fell heir to that promise without advance knowledge of whether He would realize the legacy or be killed for claiming it. The irony of His mission is that He inherited Heaven directly in order that all Mankind would have "Peace, Goodwill and Everlasting Life" on Planet Earth.
We analyse the problem of Peace on Earth based on possessing and actually owning land directly, instead of only holding Real Estate by means of the Military State.
We each yearn for that which eludes us the most, be it love, peace, power, or serenity. Modern man forgot that history is driven by the search for the land first promised to Adam when he took his family out of Eden.
If it were possible to prove to you that all things are available to you as the person you were born to be, provided you had sufficient knowledge of life, you would seek that knowledge the way a Border Collie pursues her goals.
We posit in the next three Diaries that possession and ownership of the land on which you tread is possible within the paradigm of the story of Lord Jesus Christ, provided you are willing to accept your natural role within that story the way the Collie accepts her jobs. We know this seems silly to many and madness to many others; we appreciate your reaction because we expect it and are negotiating with you in these Diaries, in preparation for this offering to you of the elusive Pearl of Wisdom you naturally desire. Please hold back your anger while you review this information that is so clearly contrary to your deep seated prejudice against any free offer that appears to be critical of your present character.
Own the Land, you say, "I already own my property" or "I can never own land, it is all gone and valued too highly for my ability."
Consider the reality in which we make this claim and extend this offer.
When Adam was sent out of Eden it was promised to him and his posterity that all would be guided to a distant new land where milk and honey would be plentiful. Ever since, no Human has ever 'owned' land in the real sense of being able to expel all trespassers, including those with weapons and laws, which right all governments retain to themselves as representatives of their particular larger public interest. The Nation State system most effectively used by the United States, functions according to a 'legal fiction' enforced by threat of punishment. Tragedy is built into states which rule by force since the people themselves deem it politically correct to carry weapons and use force against any opposition, even their duly elected governments. Preceding this system City-states used the same device with the same legacy of bloodshed. As the world became civilized control over larger and larger territories became feasible because of the effect of the Common law, which is successful only because modern Christian culture trains individuals to honor their word and accept judicial authority. The flaw in modern applications of Common Law is that dominant minorities always find ways to use the law of Judges against the silent(ed) majority.
As an aside about Common Law, Professor F.S.C. Northrup observes in his Man, Nature and God, that individuals raised in the orient are not easily amenable to the Common law because they did not formerly enjoy training in sports competitions which instill honor and respect for rules of law. This characteristic leaves such people vulnerable to domination by tyrants because they lack the instinct to defend their rights against more powerful oppositions. Extending the aside, the scandal at Penn State reveals that power has a similar impact on character; Coach Joe and University executives forgot that rules also apply to their conduct. The point to take forward in this Diary is that Human Individuals, writ large, are our own only reliable sources of authority and we must rebel against Authoritarianism and Rankism for the sake of a larger polity or cause. We must compete in the world as ourselves, not as adjectival characters determined by external interests. This caveat strikes at the system of Education which presumes to identify us in terms of idols, symbols, titles or flags. The moment we divert our ego toward an externality we are no longer our natural selves.
We advocate an intermediate step between Nationalism and a culture built on pure Individualism which accepts and adopts our racial heritage; this position disturbs some who remain fixated on denial of race as a positive characteristic. Race is a natural feature of each persons' DNA. Negative Racism exploits other economic and political advantages by claiming that racial superiority and racial inferiority are valid natural objections to equality. We might better understand the topic of White Racism if we allow ourselves to remember that Blacks in Africa were formerly dominant and viewed others as inferior too, the way it happened here in America, with American Negroes recently emerging from being on the wrong end of it.
We discovered our own local versions of negative racial prejudice after reaching a high level of personal success without any reference to our racial make-up, which is not readily apparent because our family is a mixture of all three of the major Races. On removing to a larger City we met negative racism when Indians would apply to the Native Brotherhood offices for help with Landlords and when the Fisherman's Union was unfair to Indians.
The remedy for this racism was to reclaim our Indian-ness and employ humor among those who were disturbed about differences. Sports modified the issues by bringing others out of their suspicious otherness.
We are Racist now because we believe our agenda uplifts all people by extending respect based on one's race. We displace parochial nationalism with global Race based entitlements which restore Africa to Negroes, Europe to Whites and Asia to Asians. This step in the greater program is ecological because we understand that the survival of Humankind requires that all the land in the world become owned as an absolute right of the individuals who are entitled to that particular land.
The process is rooted in America and driven by Indians because as Indian, we are recognized around the world as having unspecified and as yet undetermined rights to claim the land that makes up the Americas. The rights we aspire to are both sentimental and moral but in Canada have been made constitutionally legal. The trick we use is extending these Indian rights all the way back to Eden, by way of Europe for the White Race, to Africa for the Black Race and to Asia for the Oriental Race. That is the macro strategy.
Be cautioned here against retaining deep seated prejudices which subconsciously color your thinking in favor of governments. Everyone curses at their Government but no one is interested in anarchy. While everyone fears World Government, no one realizes that we all own the Planet and are responsible for the actions of the world's population. How would an individual manifest their right to govern the entire Planet?    
Those who deem it the duty of Democracy to bring change even by use of force are referred to Tolstoi when he asserts that to overthrow force with force is futile. Picture too, the every day scenes in the middle East and Northern Africa; will the new 'Democracies' rule passively? NOT! Finally and most painfully, reflect on what Batman just caused in your country.
What other trick is up our sleeve then, you ask, that will provide you with the right and more importantly, the legal power to possess land without resorting to force?
What will displace the guns forever?
We continue the argument in Part 2: The Micro-strategy: Your Home on Earth is Your State.
Part 3 invites you to join yourself within your own World Order.      
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    Who names their pony Monty?
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  •  * [new] Ah hell no! More anti-science garble from you (1+ / 0-)
    This is not true:
    We advocate an intermediate step between Nationalism and a culture built on pure Individualism which accepts and adopts our racial heritage; this position disturbs some who remain fixated on denial of race as a positive characteristic. Race is a natural feature of each persons' DNA
    This is the truth:
    DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another. There also is no genetic basis for divisions of human ethnicity. People who have lived in the same geographic region for many generations may have some alleles in common, but no allele will be found in all members of one population and in no members of any other.
    Continue reading at NowPublic.com: Human Genome Project Announces That "Race" Does Not Exist | NowPublic News Coveragehttp://www.nowpublic.com/...
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