Saturday, February 11, 2012

Jesus to Oprah

Dear Oprah:  We are so excited to be able to bring you this latest news about the Coming of Jesus Christ.

This Site will introduce you to a much more radical interpretation of the times than is customary, yet without departing from the Gospels or deviating from the Great Journey of Moses to the Land Promised us by Heaven. Nothing remains to be done and the full story can now be told to the world. As the person that is the most loved by the people of the world today, Oprah, we choose to tell this to you.

I am Black, like you are, and my children as well, who are Haida from Haida Gwaii. The bible promises to Chosen Heirs the free gift of the fabled Promised Land that has been sought since the days of Moses. The true Heirs reside today in the Village of Skidegate; they are not fully acquainted with this information but will become more engaged according to your response, as you are able to explain such matters to wide audiences. This point, that the Heirs of the World Crown are Black, provides the unifying concept upon which to build necessary Institutions of the Power that belongs to these rights, according to the story of Jesus Christ. It comes to pass that Black Heirs of Adam and Eve concealed within 'unknowing but intuitive Indian Vessels' are inherently imbued with the natural Idea of their Ownership of their land in Canada while we have by the Constitution, a statutory power to possess and manage the land proven by this story, to belong to the Inheritances of Jesus Christ and within the Haida Hereditary TslamkgeKit, Kilslaii.

This message is intentionally prudent. We leave it to readers to grasp their own role in this impending drama.

The power about to be poured out to humankind has been readying since the Garden of Eden. While the masses will continue to erupt with demands for control of this power, only the combination of the Cross and the Totem, the two Sticks of Ezekiel, can provide the code for controlling and releasing this power with due equity and benefit.

This power comes from Haida Gwaii and must reach the far shores of Africa, carefully cautioning movements clamoring for radical governments that are only based on local interests. The new world awaits its beneficiaries, those who apply the code of the Lord Jesus, those who give Potlatch, and those who reject the festering Police State offered by the multi-funded money Corporations.



Jesus is calling you ...