Saturday, March 3, 2012

The 7 Judgements

Chief Kitsilano and the Kitsilano Indian Band
Box 362           Hazelton BC    V0J 1Y0           778 202 0124

Dear Roxanne and Dear Kelly
Copy to Kit’mKuldo, Djogaslee and Wiigakh
The Seven Judgements
            The Motions submitted to you in writing in advance of the meetings set for 7 March (Gitanmaax) at Kitanmaax Hall and 8 March at the Hazelton Village Office, must be read and considered in the context of the SEVEN JUDGEMENTS*. Here is why and here are the Judgements you face if you fail or refuse to enter into the process of obligatory consultation with chief Kitsilano which is the object of this exercise:

1.       You will be brought before a Judge of the Provincial Court at Hazelton to testify and give evidence which may result in Criminal convictions against you as Individuals and as Corporate Bodies and or a monetary penalty will be assessed in to compensate Chief Kitsilano for the damages done Us by your actions against us.

2.       The land you claim as Canadians or as Indians and lands you presume to control as Corporations, under the existing Law and the Land Titles Act, will be claimed by Us and can be taken from you and it will be registered in the Land Title Registry in favor of the Kitsilano Indian Band as Land that can be resold to others with no compensation to you. This action would be taken because of the Criminal Convictions proved against you, as set out below and because of the prima facie findings that you committed those crimes against Chief Kitsilano in order to deny Us our land rights and in order to harm Us in general, according to the obvious conspiracy advanced by you and others including Canada and the Province of British Columbia, through the aggravated conspiracy that is continued to this day by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Hazelton and other places around the Province.

3.       You will be taken to prison for long periods of time and be required to apply for parole before you can be released.

4.       You will be required to leave the Province and not be permitted to return.

5.       Your family members will be required to apply to remain in the Province and can be ordered to leave the Province and never permitted to return.

6.       Your record will be forwarded to the authorities presiding over you wherever you try to settle and they will be encouraged to scrutinize you and to regulate your activity in restricting you to a bare minimum of benefits that will only allow you to live at the poverty level.

7.       You will be denied protection of the laws by the authorities wherever you arrive and be marked as such.

These are the 7 Judgements of Heaven and Earth against you, which you will easily recognize as the same conditions which you imposed on Chief Kitsilano since 1981 and would still impose, if not arrested by Us in this process and offered this opportunity to repent and to conform to your own Constitution; WE encourage you to be cognizant of these charges as you review the Motions and read the information about the Seven Seals provided to you at your meetings. 

            You will have the opportunity in the meetings to listen to Chief Kitsilano without interruption, for the brief time set by you in advance (20 minutes has been suggested by Ms. Kelly Mattson) and may ask questions after that time, however you have no choice in the matter of voting but must vote YES OR NO by ballot or by raising your voice and your hand

          You are reminded that Chief Kitsilano claims absolute ownership of the land under your feet and under your residences and under your present Corporate Bodies, the Corporation of the Village of Hazelton and the Corporation of Canada, per the Gitanmaax Indian Band.

In the meeting you remain free and at liberty as always and are protected from compulsion by any power or person up to the moment of exercising your right to vote on the Motions as set out or as amended by Us following any such Motion by you or by Us.
You have no discretion after you vote, until the results of the vote are accepted by Us and WE have duly deemed that you have responded legally to the motions and have fulfilled your duty to Us in our legal capacity as the owner of the land in this Province.
If WE accept the results of the final vote on the Motions a schedule of actions will be set out to be followed by you that are designed by Us to complete the agenda set out in the Motions.
The ultimate goal of this process is to hold the World Potlatch during the month of July 2012.
You have DUE NOTICE hereby that you can be compelled by law to attend Court at Hazelton, to testify and to be tried by the Court on the dates of 17, 18, and 19 July 2012 on Criminal charges, if you fail or refuse to enter into the process of Consultation explained in the Motions.

In summary, YOU AND ALL OF YOU are offered forgiveness for your Crimes against Us provided the Motions pass and the process of consultation begins emergently and immediately.

The urgency WE impose on you is because of declining world conditions which must be corrected and because TsalmkgeKit Wiigakh, Sergeant Neil B. Sterritt esquire, is nearly One Hundred years old and WE intend that he open the Potlatch.
You are to understand that by your actions now in choosing your vote, you are able to help save life on the Planet or alternatively, that you face punishment for your Criminal actions by which you have caused and allowed the planet to become practically worthless for Human life.
Thank you all sincerely for respecting our rights.

James Russell Sterritt

Revelation Chapter 5            
The 7 seals                    
The 7 Seal Judgements        
The 7 Trumpet Judgements
The 7 Bowl Judgements       

Individuals on Notice of charges:

Ms. Marge McRae, chief councillor Gitanmaax Indian Band
Ms. Diane Shonoss, Band Manager Gitanmaax Indian band
                Terry Danes, Bob ‘Mowatt’ nux Lisa, Dallas Blackwater

Ms. Alice Maitland, Mayor Village of Hazelton
Mr. Gordon, Buddy, Smith, Councillor
RCMP Cst. Goffic, Cpl French, Cst. Greg Hugo

Prime Minister Steven Harper
Premier Christie Clark

Gordon Sebastian


                The Tribunal of Kit’mKuldo, Djogaslee and Wiigack have been invited to attend said meetings and will be empowered to sign Indictments so charging the above named Individuals and any others charged with Crimes during or following the said Meetings beginning 7, and 8 March 2012.

Signed Chief Kitsilano

The 7 Seals are Opened

Dear Roxanne and Dear Kelly:

The scheduled meetings between your Councils and Chief Kitsilano will be your first occasion to hear and see the secrets of the Opened Seven Seals. 

As ("one of the many who are predicted to 'come in the name of) Jesus Christ" I propose to prove that the term Kits is the same as the term Christ, and I will do that by explaining to you what the significance is to you, of these Seals and of their revealed truths. 


The first seal reveals the truth that is contained in the Light. 

When Heaven said "Let there be light," it provided the key to reality that is contained in the language of Numbers. Numbers were not invented by the Ancients, but discovered when they applied themselves in Egypt and Babylon, to measuring the light. 

By formulating the phenomenal concepts of time they discovered that Numbers form the 24-Hour Clock, the 365and 1/4 day year and the 27.83-day Moon cycle. 

Refer to Revelation Chapter 5. Saint John the Divine deals with this Seal in that Chapter. He states that when this Seal is opened the 24 Elders will fall down and admit they believe in Heaven as a populated place and they will confirm that I am the Christ because I have opened this Seal. 

You are the "24 elders." 

So I must first pass this test in front of you and I will do that with a diagram of the 24-Hour Clock.

This information was discovered before the great Flood and it was all washed away in that deluge.

I came to it by direct revelation from heaven in certain obscure concepts being developed by Dr. Peter Plichta in his, The Prime Number Cross.


Following the flow of the Scriptures from Genesis One, the second seal reveals that the Tsalmalkit language, what some refer to as Gitsanamick, is the original language of the World, the language that was spoken by Adam and Eve. This point is proven in Genesis One verses 26 and 27, where the Aramaic term Ts'lm is translated as the image of God

The Hebrew and Aramaic languages are written without vowels, however "Ts" and "Lm" can only be pronounced one way, as tsalm, or as Tsim, which is the first syllable of Tsimsian. Tsalmsian and Tsimsian can be said without hearing any difference. The use of the term in Genesis favors 'tsalm' as the way to pronounce the original word. 

The Aramaic term is translated more extensively in the Commentaries as "the shadow of the image of God, or of Heaven." You saw when I opened the First Seal, that the better translation of the term is "the shadow of the image of Heaven." The term God has another stronger role in this explanation because that term means Heart in Tsalmalkit. Using the term Heaven in most places where people use the term God, allows one to form a better understanding of these ideas. 

I am correct in my interpretation of this term because it reveals a whole long list of terms that have come to us in English that are said the same way in Tsalmalkit, and have the identical meaning in both languages. 

One strong instance is the term Hal'th, which means the same as the English term 'Health.' In Tsalmalkit however the term Hal'th is the root of the terms we use for Shaman and for Witch Doctor, Hal'thLayet and Hal'thdowkit. The root Hal'th  can be found in the well known English term, Halelujah. 

The Language Committee will be shown a series of such correspondences which leave no doubt that the Ancient World language split at Greece, with Tsalmalkit coming to Kitanmaax across the Pacific Ocean from Asia, while English reached here from Europe. 

The Language Committee will remember that there was one language all over the known world until Heaven rebuked the people and toppled the Tower of Babel, scattering the people across the face of the Earth. But this would not have caused all of these words to be lost and they were retained by the Chosen Family. 

The Second Seal leads you to the Third Seal, by interpreting the term LAAX SAL. 

I opened this Seal as I came to understand Tsalmalkit terms and saw their connection to English.

Before I explain the 3rd Seal I will demonstrate the reason why I am entitled to claim ownership of the Province of British Columbia on the Oral Evidence contained in this term that is so familiar in Kitanmaax. 

Neil Sterritt Sr. (b. 1913) gave me the Wikipedia interpretation of Laax Sal and it lines up with this Seal:

       Sal means what Sel means in French, SALT. 

Neil, who is the Delgamuukw Plaintiff, Wiigakh, remembers that Laax Sal is a reference to the Ocean origin of that Tribe, meaning people who live on or come from the Salty sea. 

Of course it is commonly known to mean the Frog, or Raven Tribe, but that is a simple usage that distinguishes this Tribe from the Laax Gibou, who are Hunters from the Mountains. 

Now the Third Seal.


The lower Mainland and Vancouver Island tribe is known as the SALISH, using the same Salt root. 

Mr. Sonny McHalsie, in the Sto:Lo Atlas, defines Laax Sal as "Fishing Platforms." This is a proprietary statement which means that the Fraser River Fishing Sites belong to those who hold the right to this term. It follows logically that the term was transferred to the Skeena, the Bulkley and to the Nass, and defined the original owners of the fishing sites in the Canyons on these Rivers. It is possible but less likely that the term moved south from the North. 

The fourth Seal will confirm this meaning when you hear about Haaxw. 


To be valid in my claims I would have to be able to prove my claim of ownership of the Province of BC based on connections to the Delgamuukw Decision. 

The Title of that case is actually Delgamuukw and Haaxw and etc ... 

Haaxw did not enter the Court in those proceedings. Therefore Wilps Haaxw is not limited to the findings of the Supreme Court of Canada but has open discretion to assert a larger claim and to be consulted by others on that claim, including other Indians, which is why Chief Kitsilano has the right to be consulted by your Councils at this time, in these Motions. 
Wilps means House and Wilps Haaxw means the House of Haaxw and that is fairly common knowledge.

What is not known by anyone but me is that a princess of Wilps Haaxw, Kuba Wilps Haaxw, married into the family that owned what is now Stanley Park and Downtown Vancouver, and that marriage brought to The Salish the Potlatch System and Matriarchal Form of Organisation. This marriage happened prior to contact with the Spanish and so by providing this "House" with the monopoly on wool Blankets, the Son of this marriage became known as CHIEF KITSILANO, marking the fact that Kits was from Kitanmaax and that he was known as the holder of the Spanish blanket monopoly. 

Enter the British and the rival House now known as CapilanoNotice the term 'lano' refers to a rival claim to be entitled to the Blanket trade and that CAP means "the true." 

There is a third chief name with the suffix Lano (I cannot recall its prefix).

When the English Colonials began building the City of Vancouver they undercut Kitsilano by supporting Capilano (to this day) and by making Potlatch illegal, and that Act cut off the connecting Institution on which Wilps Haaxw was expanding our family and trade connections. The Northern Matriarchy could no longer support the Southern branch. 

Around 1929, Vancouver City officials forced Wilps Haaxw to leave what is still named TSCIN HAAXW (Snauq; Senack) by loading the people's belongings on a barge and dropping it all off on the North shore, Capilano's territory. Francis Williams who presently resides at Squamish, still holds the title Chief Kitsilano. Again I stress that Wilps/Tscin Haaxw was left weak by the Potlatch ban and could not mount strong enough resistance. 


There is a curse resulting from this mistreatment and the Canucks will not win the cup until our ownership of the land under the City of Vancouver is restored to US!!!!!

The People may even riot … if you get our drift.

These concepts were made open to the British after Father William Duncan learned Tsalmalkit and it can be concluded that the Potlatch Ban was aimed at hiding these facts.

The same damage was done when generations were taken away and denied opportunity to learn Tsalmalkit.

This Seal is about how the Temlaham Myth began. 

I will first confide this Seal to Gitemgaldo, Djogaslee and Wiigakh. 


This Seal is to be confided first to my Haida daughter, Ms. Catherine Anne Sterritt in encouraging her to claim for her son Dawson, the title left by our Uncle Dempsy, CHIEF SKIDEGATE.

Erika Jean's daughter, VANESSA JEAN THE HAIDA PRINCESS QUEEN, will continue the Haida Matriarchal lineage of this World Crown. 


The seventh and final Seal is the proof that I, James Russell Sterritt, the only son of Haaxw and of Alma, am the returned JESUS CHRIST

I will open this Seal when the World is in attendance at the planned Potlatch.

These revelations complete the gospels by opening up the THIRD TESTAMENT OF HEAVEN.

Howa TsalmKgeKit, TsalmkgeKittimHanaak, g'un Kuba Wilps.


Chief Kitsilano

Potlatch Deed To the Throne of Jesus christ

The Kitsilano Band
Box 362 Hazelton BC                         778 202 0124

Meetings with Hazelton & Gitanmaax Councils
March 7th and 8th, 2012
Purpose of Meeting
            Chief Kitsilano introduces his Tribe’s plans for elevating legal tenure over British Columbia from the existing Canadian Federal Provincial model to the more powerful and more extensive tenure of Imperial right based on the interim and ad hoc possession of the World now claimed by Chief Kitsilano within his Wilps Haaxw, Laax Sal, Haida.
We ask you to comply with Section 35.1, of Constitution Act 1982, by duly recognizing and affirming this claim of the entire Province of British Columbia as part of the global claim of the Lord Jesus Christ. The evolution of cases on Aboriginal Rights has determined that you, each and all, have legal obligations to enter into consultation with Chief Kitsilano that are specifically directed at identifying the ramifications of adopting this plan. 
We move that there be three readings of the following motions, with this being first reading. We move that each council set the date for 2nd Reading before adjourning.
That whereas there is a Constitutional duty on the members of these Councils and on you as committees of your whole Councils, that requires you to consult with Chief Kitsilano in order to identify the reasons why you are bound to formally recognize and affirm Chief Kitsilano in his personal and tribal claims of ownership of the land that is contained within the borders of the Province of British Columbia;
And whereas the law courts have determined that there is a duty on all Canadians to enter into meaningful consultations with Chief Kitsilano to identify why you must recognize and affirm Chief Kitsilano as the lawful owner of the land in the Province of British Columbia;

And whereas it is productive of the best interests of all to identify the actions that are open to you which will extend these legal rights to the whole local community as well as to the whole of the Province and as well as to the whole of Canada and to the entire World;
And whereas Canada plans to expose the community and the world to a Pipeline which cannot be made safe by any means or actions;
And whereas the only certain way to protect communities from this threat and from similar threats, is to take full legal control of the lands in this Province by uniting all factions into a the single Political Body under a single Institution that is intended by these motions;
And whereas the Village of Hazelton and the Gitanmaax Indian Band have the right and the legal competence to unite together and also have the power to unite that body with Chief Kitsilano Provincial Band, thereby forming the single united Institution;
And whereas this matter is urgent;
THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by vote that the Councils of Hazelton & Gitanmaax  immediately enter into a process of meaningful and comprehensive negotiations with Chief Kitsilano for the purpose of uniting all the world’s people together within the Kitsilano Band
That these same Councils will hold Second Readings of the Motions within 3 days and will have 3rd Reading of the Motion as soon after that date as possible.
(Note: Parliamentary Procedure operates on the system of 3 readings because new ideas cannot be processed without allowing time to digest and then debate and finally to vote on the ideas).
Motion #2
WHEREAS IT IS DESIRABLE AND NECESSARY TO ENGAGE THE PEOPLE of the WORLD in the affairs of the Kitsilano Band in order to create world conditions that serve and protect the People of the World;
And whereas the culture of Potlatch formerly, before contact with Euro, had united the Peoples from Northern Alaska to California in a single social and commercial community under the
Totem Pole which made no distinctions of race neither of nationality nor of any political or economic belief;
And whereas the Haida are known to have taken this culture to the highest level possible;
And whereas there is a Haida Royal Family that is related to the family and the Tribe of Chief Kitsilano;
And whereas it is a natural thing to call a Potlatch of all Peoples in order to advance and to serve their interests and enable them to carry out their duties and to preserve the rights of the new Institutions that are formed by the Union of Hazelton and Gitanmaax within the Kitsilano Band;
And whereas such a Potlatch would be a remarkable and a popular event;
And whereas such an event would attract World figures to ‘Ksan, including Oprah Winfrey, whose attendance would guarantee attendance by other known Individuals from all over the World;
And whereas such an event that is attended by such figures would transcend all the chaotic processes around the world that threaten civilization and would allow the People of the World to hear and to see what WE would say to them and in this way, they would be able to unite themselves with US around these principles and under the laws that will be set out by the Potlatch which would control Industry and would facilitate prosperity and would introduce the people to fresh knowledge about reality;
And whereas this process would introduce the Nation States to a new social and economic and cultural agenda, thereby bringing the whole World together for the first time in history;
THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Councils of Hazelton and Gitanmaax immediately initiate procedures aimed at planning and holding and completing this WORLD POTLATCH at ‘Ksan before the end of July 2012.
Motion #3
And whereas these Seals hide the true reality of the World and that causes People to be fearful and to remain poor and to engage in wilful and illegal actions;

And whereas opening the 7 Seals allows People to better understand the World and to know themselves better and to then know their duties and to thereby recognize how they can function as free Individuals within an open World Community;
And whereas people so informed will identify what industrial activity is healthy and culturally sound and capable of ensuring that the world population can reproduce itself indefinitely;
And whereas such improvements in Human activity will eliminate War and reduce Crime;
And whereas knowing the truth of reality that is revealed by opening the 7 Seals will profoundly impact Education, the people will learn the truth at a very early age and not need to study for so many years but will be productive members of the community at an early according to their own choices (rather than as Industry chooses for them);
And whereas the Language of Numbers allows knowledge to be certified perfectly, the law will become more efficient and enable issues to be resolved in less time;
And whereas Human health is a product of Hal’th, knowing the structure of all reality will calm the mind and soothe the soul, thereby increasing the level of health and reducing the illnesses and diseases that are caused by not knowing the whole truth;
And whereas use of the Planet determines the general conditions of all people the new knowledge of reality will identify what projects are healthy and which cannot be allowed to proceed because they are harmful to the Planet and to the people;
And whereas Money is also a mere language system, the act of uniting the world as a single community will require a single Monetary Language that is instituted among the people which will curtail fraud and vices and interfere with criminal plans;
And whereas possession of one’s land for purposes of sleeping and resting and for one’s private endeavors is critically necessary to regulating the size and the growth rate of the world population and to ensuring that Industry does not interfere with those needs;
And whereas community conviviality is absolutely essential to Human existence and to Human happiness;
And whereas the said 7 Seals are related to the Life and the Way and the Truth of Jesus Christ and the opening of them will reveal the hidden secrets and aspects of HIS LIFE;
And whereas Chief Kitsilano has the knowledge of those secrets and those aspects;


1.    Committees be struck to each deal with one of the said Seals by Consulting with Chief Kitsilano;

2.    That each Committee meet with Chief Kitsilano regularly until that committee is so informed as to be able to explain their findings to the Committees of the Whole;

3.    That each Committees of the whole report their findings to the Potlatch Planning Committees, within the context of these Motions,  for purposes of setting the agenda of the World Potlatch;

4.    That this consultation be approached emergently by your Councils.

Motion #4
WHEREAS World order must be identified to the people of the world so that all people can relate to these proceedings from a single belief system;
And whereas World Order began with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden;
And whereas the World Flood destroyed the entire World’s families except the family of Noah;
And whereas the World has been replenished by the descendant of the 3 Sons of Noah;
And whereas both Adam and Eve and one of the Sons of Noah were Black;
And whereas one Son of Noah is the ancestor of the Asian Peoples including the Mongols;
And whereas one Son of Noah is ancestor of the White People including the Dene and Ojibway in America;
And whereas there are Haida, who’s royal Family is Black, and there are Tsalmsian, whose Royal Family survives at Kitanmaax, and there are both English Royals and there are Dene Royals in America, and all three of these lineages reside at Kitanmaax;
And whereas the Skidegate Haida are the highest ranking “Indian” people in the world, with their Totem on the Canadian 20 dollar Bill,
And whereas the planned potlatch must include Coronations of the rightful heirs of the ancient Titles;
THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the planning Committee NOTIFY Ms. Catherine Sterritt of Skidegate that her Son DAWSON is nominated as the highest ranking individual heir of the Crown of ADAM AND EVE and of Jesus Christ.
This document is Part I of 3 Documents forming the Deed To Heaven and Earth
Part II Opens the 7 Seals and Part III contains the 7 Judgements.
Revelation 5 - The Lion, the Lamb, and the Scroll

A. One worthy to take the scroll.

1. (1) The throne and the scroll.

And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals.

a. I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll:
The focus of Revelation 4 was the throne Here, John begins with reference to the throne, but now shifts his focus to the scroll held by the enthroned Lord.

b. Written inside and on the back: This means that this scroll is unusual.  It wasn’t common practice to write on both sides of the scroll.  This means that whatever the information on this scroll, there is a lot of it - almost more than the scroll can contain.

i. Ancient scrolls were read horizontally, not vertically The “rolls” of the scroll were on the left and the right, and the writing lay in narrow columns about three inches wide, written on a substance kind of like brown paper.  The scroll was held in the left hand, and unrolled with the right, and as the reading went on, the previously read portion was re-rolled.  On such a typical scroll, the Book of Revelation would fill a scroll 15 feet long.

c. Sealed with seven seals: When a roll was finished, it was fastened with strings and the strings were sealed with wax at the knots.  This scroll is sealed with seven seals; there are seven strings sealed with was around the scroll.

i. These are not seven writings each separated by a seal; but seven seals all set upon one scroll.  All the seals must be opened before the scroll can be read.

d. What is this scroll?  What is written in it?  Through the centuries, commentators have suggested many different ideas.  It’s important to remember that whatever is on this scroll, no one except Jesus is worthy to open it (Revelation 5:3-4).

i. Some think the scroll is the Old Testament, or the Old and New Testaments together, or fulfilled prophecy.  But these ideas look back, not forward, and John is speaks of things related to things which must take place after this (Revelation 4:1).  Additionally, if the scroll is the Old or New Testament, who is unworthy to open that scroll?

ii. Some think the scroll is God’s claim of divorce against Israel, but there is little Scriptural evidence for this idea, and who is unworthy to open that scroll?

iii. Some think the scroll is God’s sentence against the enemies of the church Perhaps this is true, but only in an indirect sense; but who is unworthy to open that scroll?

iv. Some think the scroll is the text of the Book of Revelation, or the next few chapters.  But this is rather unlikely considering how the idea of the scroll is communicated, and who would be unworthy to open that scroll?

v. Some think the scroll is the title deed to planet earth This is an attractive idea, especially because the coming time of tribulation will end with Jesus ruling on earth.  But it is hard to demonstrate this with certainty.  The best connection in this idea seems to be with Jeremiah 32:6-15, which describes Jewish title deeds as sealed But there is no doubt that the earth is the Lord’s (Psalm 24:1), though the governments of this world belong to Satan (Luke 4:5-8).  If God has to get the title deed back, when did God ever “lose” the title deed to planet earth?  In fact, God holds this scroll - it isn’t lost.  But the scroll must be opened, it must be revealed.

e. The best solution is to see the scroll as “God’s will, his final settlement of the affairs of the universe.” (Barclay)  This is based on the idea that customarily, under Roman law, wills were sealed with seven seals, each from a witness to the validity of the will.

i. “Roman law required a will to be sealed seven times as illustrated in the wills left by Augustus and Vespasian for their successors.” (Walvoord)

ii. “The book may mean the purposes and designs of God relative to his government of the world and the Church; but we, whose habitation is in the dust, know nothing of such things.  We are, however, determined to guess.” (Clarke)

iii. “The seven sealed book therefore is the comprehensive program of God culminating in the second coming of Christ.” (Walvoord)

iv. “The book of the counsels, decrees, and purposes of God relating to his church, as to what more remarkable things should happen to it to the end of the world; which book was in the hand of the Father.” (Poole)

v. The idea here is that God has a book in which the history of the universe is already written.  He has written the history of the world in advance, He holds in His hand the history of the world in advance, and He initiates the consummation of all history.  Only God can hold this scroll.

f. Remember the emphasis is not on the content of the scroll, but on its seals and the One who worthy to take it.

2. (2-4) Who is worthy to open the scroll?

Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?” And no one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it. So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it.

a. A strong angel: We don’t know who this angel is.  Many have suggested that it is Gabriel, but we don’t know.  Nonetheless, this angel issues a challenge to all creation: Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals?  This is a challenge no creature can answer because no creature is worthy to open this particular scroll.

b. No one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll, or to look at it: John could not have said it any stronger.  It is as if the strong angellooked through the entire universe to find someone worthy, and had not found anyone worthy to even look at the scroll.

i. There is no answer to the strong angel’s challenge because the creation is utterly incapable of deciding or effecting its own destiny.  Someone above the order of created must determine the course of history; only God can unfold this plan.

c. So I wept much: John’s weeping is either because a previous promise to see the future may now be denied (Revelation 4:1), or more likely, because the consummation of history is now indefinitely postponed.

d. No one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it: To look upon the scroll, one must have the right to open the scroll and possess it - and no creaturewas found worthy.

3. (5-7) The Lion of the tribe of Judah is worthy to open the scroll.

But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.” And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.

a. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah: One of the elders (not an angel) rescues John from his grief, showing him the one who has prevailed to open the scroll The one is the great figure of Old Testament prophecy: the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, Messiah of Israel and of the Gentiles.

i. The Messianic title Lion of the tribe of Judah comes from Genesis 49:9-10, Isaiah 31:4, and Hosea 11:10.  The title Root of David comes from Isaiah 11:10 and is repeated in Revelation 22:16.

ii. Trapp says that a Lion is a fitting image of our Messiah, “1. For the excellency of his strength.  2. For his heroical spirit.  3. For his principality; the lion is the king of beasts. 4. For his vigilancy; the lion sleepeth with open eyes.”

b. And I looked, and behold . . . stood a Lamb: Because of the elder’s announcement, John expected to see a Lion, but sees a Lamb instead.  John even uses the specific word for a little lamb; he “Signifies a little or delicate lamb.” (Clarke)

i. The Lamb is presented in a way both sympathetic and powerful; He is living (stood a Lamb), but He still has the marks of previous sacrifice upon Him (as though it had been slain).

ii. When men want symbols of power they conjure up ferocious beasts and birds of prey such as those that represent nations and sports teams.  But the representative of the kingdom of heaven is a Lamb, representing humility, gentleness, and sacrificial love.

iii. The Lamb looks as though it had been slain It’s hard to describe what John saw, but this Lamb had the marks of sacrifice on it.  The coming judgment beginning in chapter six is dictated and administrated by the Lamb who already offered an escape from judgment by taking judgment upon Himself.  The judgment comes upon a world that hates the Lamb and all He stands for, and rejects His offer of escape

c. As it had been slain: The idea is that the sacrifice of Jesus is still fresh and current before God the Father.  There is nothing “stale” or “outworn” in the work of Jesus on the cross.  Thousands of years later, it is still “fresh” as the day He died on the cross.

i. “This form of speech is put to show the continual recent virtue of Christ’s death eternally effectual before God, as whereby once for all he hath purchased eternal redemption.” (Trapp)

ii. As it had been slain: “As if now in the act of being offered This is very remarkable; so important is the sacrificial offering of Christ in the sight of God that he is still represented as being in the very act of pouring out his blood for the offences of man.  This gives great advantage to faith; when any soul comes to the throne of grace, he finds a sacrifice there provided for him to offer to God.  Thus all succeeding generations find they have the continual sacrifice ready, and the newly-shed blood to offer.” (Clarke)

d. Having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth: Even though the marks of His sacrifice are evident, the Lamb is not presented as an object of pity.  He also bears the marks of omnipotence (seven horns) and omniscience (seven eyes).  What a figure!  A slain Lamb, who has the marks of omniscience and omnipotence!

i. Throughout the Scriptures, eyes suggest knowledge and wisdom, and horns suggest power.  This Lamb has knowledge, wisdom, and power fulfilled perfectly: seven horns and seven eyes.

ii. Which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth: The Holy Spirit is not only the Spirit of God (in the sense of being the “Spirit of the Father”), but also the Spirit of Christ (Acts 16:7 and Romans 8:9).

iii. The seven eyes of the LORD are a picture of omniscience drawn from the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 4:10 and 3:9).

e. Then He came and took the scroll: No created being was found worthy to take the scroll, but the Lamb can take it.  His rank, character and ability to take the scroll and open it (and thus dictate the destiny of creation) has been permanently demonstrated by His work on the cross.

B. Praise to the Worthy One.

1. (8-10) The song of the elders and the cherubim.

Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth.”

a. The four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb: When the Lamb takes the scroll, the response is immediate.  High-ranking angels and redeemed man join together in worship of the Lamb.

b. Each having a harp: The harp is “Properly, a zithern or kind of guitar, played either with the hand, or with a pick.” (Alford)  Worship in heaven is accompanied by music.  Of course, this is the passage that started the idea that we will all have harps in heaven.

c. And golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints: With their golden bowls full of incense, the elders symbolically present the prayers of the saints. However, they are not interceding for the saints, functioning as mediators for God’s people.

i. We are reminded that there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5).  These elders are not praying for the saints, and this in no wise justifies the Roman Catholic practice of praying to the saints, asking them to pray for us.

ii. “It is also possible that these prayers represent the long-standing prayer of God’s people, ‘Your kingdom come.’” (Hocking)

iii. Golden bowls full of incense: In this we see how precious the prayers are the saints are to God.  He regards them as a sweet smelling incense, as if set in preciousgolden bowls.

iv. The connection between prayer and incense is shown in Psalm 141:2: Let my prayer be set before You as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Incense has a pleasing aroma, it ascends to heaven, and it needs fire before it is of any use.

d. And they sang a new song: The elders sing a new song, for mercies that are forever new.

i. “By a new song is either to be understood as an excellent song (for new songs were usually most valued,) or (which pleaseth me best) new as to the matter of it; for the servants of God under the Old Testament could not bless God for the actual redemption of man by the blood of Christ, but only rejoice in hope, embracing the promises seen afar off by the eye of faith.” (Poole)

ii. “It is a new thing that the Son of God should become man.  It is a new thing to ascend into the heavens with a body.  It is a new thing to give remission of sins to men.  It is a new thing for men to be sealed with the Holy Spirit.  It is a new thing to receive the priesthood of sacred observance, and to look for a kingdom of unbounded promise.” (Victorinus)

e. You are worthy: In the days of the Apostle John, Roman Emperors were celebrated upon their arrival with the Latin expression vere dignus, which is translated You are worthy. Here the true Ruler of the world is honored.

f. For You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth: In the praise of Revelation 4:11, the emphasis is on God’s work of creation Here, the emphasis is on His work of redemption.

·        The song honors the price of redemption: for You were slain
·        The song honors the worker of redemption: have redeemed us
·        The song honors the destination of redemption: have redeemed us to God
·        The song honors the payment of redemption: by Your blood
·        The song honors the scope of redemption: every tribe and tongue and people and nation
·        The song honors the length of redemption: have made us kings and priests to our God
·        The song honors the result of redemption: and we shall reign on the earth

g. Kings and priests to our God: Believers are kings because of their royal birth and their destiny to reign with Jesus.  They are priests because they need no mediator other than Jesus Himself.

i. “When a fellow comes forward in all sorts of curious garments, and says he is a priest, the poorest child of God may say, ‘Stand away, and don’t interfere with my office: I am a priest; I know not what you may be.  You surely must be a priest of Baal, for the only mention of the word vestments in Scripture is in connection with the temple of Baal.’ The priesthood belongs to all the saints.” (Spurgeon)

2. (11-12) Countless angels join in, declaring the worthiness of the Lamb because of the redemption He accomplished.

Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!”

a. I heard the voice of many angels around the throne: The angels and the elders fell down before the Lamb together (Revelation 5:8).  But it seems that only the elders sang the song of the redeemed (Revelation 5:9-10), because in no place does the Bible tell us of the redemption of angels.  But now, the voice of many angels around the thronerises up with the praise of the Great Redeemer.

i. In Revelation 4:9-10, the angels prompt the elders into worship.  Here, the elders seem to prompt the angels.  It is a wonderful cycle in heaven, with the angels and elders encouraging each other to more and more praise.

b. The number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands: This is an innumerable company of angels.

c. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain: In their song, the angels do not offer praise for their redemption.  This is because angels are not (to the best of our knowledge) subjects of this redemption but they are careful observers of it, and are therefore able to praise God because of it (1 Peter 1:12 and Ephesians 3:10).

i. The angels can clearly see the greatness of God’s work in redeeming fallen men, so in response they credit power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing to the Lamb.  In the same way, we can praise God for the way He works in the lives of other people.

3. (13-14) All creation praises the Father and the Lamb.

And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: “Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!” Then the four living creatures said, “Amen!” And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped Him who lives forever and ever.

a. Every creature: John couldn’t be any more complete in his description.  Truly, this is every creature - in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them.

b. Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb: This combined worship of the Father and the Lamb is strong testimony to the deity of Jesus.  “There cannot be the slightest doubt that the Lamb is to be reckoned with God and as God.” (Morris)

i. “Now if Jesus Christ were not properly GOD this would be idolatry, as it would be giving to the creature what belongs to the Creator.” (Clarke)

ii. “Depend upon it, my hearer, you never will go to heaven unless you are prepared to worship Jesus Christ as God.  They are all doing it there: you will have to come to it, and if you entertain the notion that he is a mere man, or that he is anything less than God, I am afraid you will have to begin at the beginning and learn what true religion means. You have a poor foundation to rest upon. I could not trust my soul with a mere man, or believe in an atonement made by a mere man: I must see God himself putting his hand to so gigantic a work.” (Spurgeon)

c. Fell down and worshipped Him: The ancient Greek word for worshipped is literally “to prostrate” or “to lay before another in complete submission.”  The scene may be that the elders fell down to their knees, then laid themselves before Him who lives forever and ever as an expression of their total submission and worship.

i. “This is the eastern method of adoration: first, the person worshipping fell down on his knees; and then, bowing down touched the earth with his forehead.  This latter act was prostration.” (Clarke)

d. Forever and ever . . . worshipped Him who lives forever and ever: The living God reigns eternally.  The Caesars come and go, including those persecute God’s people.  But the Lord God lives forever and ever and is ever worthy of our praise.

© 2001 David Guzik - No distribution beyond personal use without permission