Chief Kitsilano and the Kitsilano Indian Band
Box 362 Hazelton BC V0J 1Y0 778 202 0124
Dear Roxanne and Dear Kelly
Copy to Kit’mKuldo, Djogaslee and Wiigakh
The Seven Judgements
The Motions submitted to you in writing in advance of the meetings set for 7 March (Gitanmaax) at Kitanmaax Hall and 8 March at the Hazelton Village Office, must be read and considered in the context of the SEVEN JUDGEMENTS*. Here is why and here are the Judgements you face if you fail or refuse to enter into the process of obligatory consultation with chief Kitsilano which is the object of this exercise:
1. You will be brought before a Judge of the Provincial Court at Hazelton to testify and give evidence which may result in Criminal convictions against you as Individuals and as Corporate Bodies and or a monetary penalty will be assessed in to compensate Chief Kitsilano for the damages done Us by your actions against us.
2. The land you claim as Canadians or as Indians and lands you presume to control as Corporations, under the existing Law and the Land Titles Act, will be claimed by Us and can be taken from you and it will be registered in the Land Title Registry in favor of the Kitsilano Indian Band as Land that can be resold to others with no compensation to you. This action would be taken because of the Criminal Convictions proved against you, as set out below and because of the prima facie findings that you committed those crimes against Chief Kitsilano in order to deny Us our land rights and in order to harm Us in general, according to the obvious conspiracy advanced by you and others including Canada and the Province of British Columbia, through the aggravated conspiracy that is continued to this day by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Hazelton and other places around the Province.
3. You will be taken to prison for long periods of time and be required to apply for parole before you can be released.
4. You will be required to leave the Province and not be permitted to return.
5. Your family members will be required to apply to remain in the Province and can be ordered to leave the Province and never permitted to return.
6. Your record will be forwarded to the authorities presiding over you wherever you try to settle and they will be encouraged to scrutinize you and to regulate your activity in restricting you to a bare minimum of benefits that will only allow you to live at the poverty level.
7. You will be denied protection of the laws by the authorities wherever you arrive and be marked as such.
These are the 7 Judgements of Heaven and Earth against you, which you will easily recognize as the same conditions which you imposed on Chief Kitsilano since 1981 and would still impose, if not arrested by Us in this process and offered this opportunity to repent and to conform to your own Constitution; WE encourage you to be cognizant of these charges as you review the Motions and read the information about the Seven Seals provided to you at your meetings.
You will have the opportunity in the meetings to listen to Chief Kitsilano without interruption, for the brief time set by you in advance (20 minutes has been suggested by Ms. Kelly Mattson) and may ask questions after that time, however you have no choice in the matter of voting but must vote YES OR NO by ballot or by raising your voice and your hand
You are reminded that Chief Kitsilano claims absolute ownership of the land under your feet and under your residences and under your present Corporate Bodies, the Corporation of the Village of Hazelton and the Corporation of Canada, per the Gitanmaax Indian Band.
In the meeting you remain free and at liberty as always and are protected from compulsion by any power or person up to the moment of exercising your right to vote on the Motions as set out or as amended by Us following any such Motion by you or by Us.
You have no discretion after you vote, until the results of the vote are accepted by Us and WE have duly deemed that you have responded legally to the motions and have fulfilled your duty to Us in our legal capacity as the owner of the land in this Province.
If WE accept the results of the final vote on the Motions a schedule of actions will be set out to be followed by you that are designed by Us to complete the agenda set out in the Motions.
The ultimate goal of this process is to hold the World Potlatch during the month of July 2012.
You have DUE NOTICE hereby that you can be compelled by law to attend Court at Hazelton, to testify and to be tried by the Court on the dates of 17, 18, and 19 July 2012 on Criminal charges, if you fail or refuse to enter into the process of Consultation explained in the Motions.
In summary, YOU AND ALL OF YOU are offered forgiveness for your Crimes against Us provided the Motions pass and the process of consultation begins emergently and immediately.
The urgency WE impose on you is because of declining world conditions which must be corrected and because TsalmkgeKit Wiigakh, Sergeant Neil B. Sterritt esquire, is nearly One Hundred years old and WE intend that he open the Potlatch.
You are to understand that by your actions now in choosing your vote, you are able to help save life on the Planet or alternatively, that you face punishment for your Criminal actions by which you have caused and allowed the planet to become practically worthless for Human life.
Thank you all sincerely for respecting our rights.
James Russell Sterritt
Revelation Chapter 5
The 7 seals
The 7 Seal Judgements
The 7 Trumpet Judgements
The 7 Bowl Judgements
Individuals on Notice of charges:
Ms. Marge McRae, chief councillor Gitanmaax Indian Band
Ms. Diane Shonoss, Band Manager Gitanmaax Indian band
Terry Danes, Bob ‘Mowatt’ nux Lisa, Dallas Blackwater
Ms. Alice Maitland, Mayor Village of Hazelton
Mr. Gordon, Buddy, Smith, Councillor
RCMP Cst. Goffic, Cpl French, Cst. Greg Hugo
Prime Minister Steven Harper
Premier Christie Clark
Gordon Sebastian
The Tribunal of Kit’mKuldo, Djogaslee and Wiigack have been invited to attend said meetings and will be empowered to sign Indictments so charging the above named Individuals and any others charged with Crimes during or following the said Meetings beginning 7, and 8 March 2012.
Signed Chief Kitsilano
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