Saturday, March 3, 2012

The 7 Seals are Opened

Dear Roxanne and Dear Kelly:

The scheduled meetings between your Councils and Chief Kitsilano will be your first occasion to hear and see the secrets of the Opened Seven Seals. 

As ("one of the many who are predicted to 'come in the name of) Jesus Christ" I propose to prove that the term Kits is the same as the term Christ, and I will do that by explaining to you what the significance is to you, of these Seals and of their revealed truths. 


The first seal reveals the truth that is contained in the Light. 

When Heaven said "Let there be light," it provided the key to reality that is contained in the language of Numbers. Numbers were not invented by the Ancients, but discovered when they applied themselves in Egypt and Babylon, to measuring the light. 

By formulating the phenomenal concepts of time they discovered that Numbers form the 24-Hour Clock, the 365and 1/4 day year and the 27.83-day Moon cycle. 

Refer to Revelation Chapter 5. Saint John the Divine deals with this Seal in that Chapter. He states that when this Seal is opened the 24 Elders will fall down and admit they believe in Heaven as a populated place and they will confirm that I am the Christ because I have opened this Seal. 

You are the "24 elders." 

So I must first pass this test in front of you and I will do that with a diagram of the 24-Hour Clock.

This information was discovered before the great Flood and it was all washed away in that deluge.

I came to it by direct revelation from heaven in certain obscure concepts being developed by Dr. Peter Plichta in his, The Prime Number Cross.


Following the flow of the Scriptures from Genesis One, the second seal reveals that the Tsalmalkit language, what some refer to as Gitsanamick, is the original language of the World, the language that was spoken by Adam and Eve. This point is proven in Genesis One verses 26 and 27, where the Aramaic term Ts'lm is translated as the image of God

The Hebrew and Aramaic languages are written without vowels, however "Ts" and "Lm" can only be pronounced one way, as tsalm, or as Tsim, which is the first syllable of Tsimsian. Tsalmsian and Tsimsian can be said without hearing any difference. The use of the term in Genesis favors 'tsalm' as the way to pronounce the original word. 

The Aramaic term is translated more extensively in the Commentaries as "the shadow of the image of God, or of Heaven." You saw when I opened the First Seal, that the better translation of the term is "the shadow of the image of Heaven." The term God has another stronger role in this explanation because that term means Heart in Tsalmalkit. Using the term Heaven in most places where people use the term God, allows one to form a better understanding of these ideas. 

I am correct in my interpretation of this term because it reveals a whole long list of terms that have come to us in English that are said the same way in Tsalmalkit, and have the identical meaning in both languages. 

One strong instance is the term Hal'th, which means the same as the English term 'Health.' In Tsalmalkit however the term Hal'th is the root of the terms we use for Shaman and for Witch Doctor, Hal'thLayet and Hal'thdowkit. The root Hal'th  can be found in the well known English term, Halelujah. 

The Language Committee will be shown a series of such correspondences which leave no doubt that the Ancient World language split at Greece, with Tsalmalkit coming to Kitanmaax across the Pacific Ocean from Asia, while English reached here from Europe. 

The Language Committee will remember that there was one language all over the known world until Heaven rebuked the people and toppled the Tower of Babel, scattering the people across the face of the Earth. But this would not have caused all of these words to be lost and they were retained by the Chosen Family. 

The Second Seal leads you to the Third Seal, by interpreting the term LAAX SAL. 

I opened this Seal as I came to understand Tsalmalkit terms and saw their connection to English.

Before I explain the 3rd Seal I will demonstrate the reason why I am entitled to claim ownership of the Province of British Columbia on the Oral Evidence contained in this term that is so familiar in Kitanmaax. 

Neil Sterritt Sr. (b. 1913) gave me the Wikipedia interpretation of Laax Sal and it lines up with this Seal:

       Sal means what Sel means in French, SALT. 

Neil, who is the Delgamuukw Plaintiff, Wiigakh, remembers that Laax Sal is a reference to the Ocean origin of that Tribe, meaning people who live on or come from the Salty sea. 

Of course it is commonly known to mean the Frog, or Raven Tribe, but that is a simple usage that distinguishes this Tribe from the Laax Gibou, who are Hunters from the Mountains. 

Now the Third Seal.


The lower Mainland and Vancouver Island tribe is known as the SALISH, using the same Salt root. 

Mr. Sonny McHalsie, in the Sto:Lo Atlas, defines Laax Sal as "Fishing Platforms." This is a proprietary statement which means that the Fraser River Fishing Sites belong to those who hold the right to this term. It follows logically that the term was transferred to the Skeena, the Bulkley and to the Nass, and defined the original owners of the fishing sites in the Canyons on these Rivers. It is possible but less likely that the term moved south from the North. 

The fourth Seal will confirm this meaning when you hear about Haaxw. 


To be valid in my claims I would have to be able to prove my claim of ownership of the Province of BC based on connections to the Delgamuukw Decision. 

The Title of that case is actually Delgamuukw and Haaxw and etc ... 

Haaxw did not enter the Court in those proceedings. Therefore Wilps Haaxw is not limited to the findings of the Supreme Court of Canada but has open discretion to assert a larger claim and to be consulted by others on that claim, including other Indians, which is why Chief Kitsilano has the right to be consulted by your Councils at this time, in these Motions. 
Wilps means House and Wilps Haaxw means the House of Haaxw and that is fairly common knowledge.

What is not known by anyone but me is that a princess of Wilps Haaxw, Kuba Wilps Haaxw, married into the family that owned what is now Stanley Park and Downtown Vancouver, and that marriage brought to The Salish the Potlatch System and Matriarchal Form of Organisation. This marriage happened prior to contact with the Spanish and so by providing this "House" with the monopoly on wool Blankets, the Son of this marriage became known as CHIEF KITSILANO, marking the fact that Kits was from Kitanmaax and that he was known as the holder of the Spanish blanket monopoly. 

Enter the British and the rival House now known as CapilanoNotice the term 'lano' refers to a rival claim to be entitled to the Blanket trade and that CAP means "the true." 

There is a third chief name with the suffix Lano (I cannot recall its prefix).

When the English Colonials began building the City of Vancouver they undercut Kitsilano by supporting Capilano (to this day) and by making Potlatch illegal, and that Act cut off the connecting Institution on which Wilps Haaxw was expanding our family and trade connections. The Northern Matriarchy could no longer support the Southern branch. 

Around 1929, Vancouver City officials forced Wilps Haaxw to leave what is still named TSCIN HAAXW (Snauq; Senack) by loading the people's belongings on a barge and dropping it all off on the North shore, Capilano's territory. Francis Williams who presently resides at Squamish, still holds the title Chief Kitsilano. Again I stress that Wilps/Tscin Haaxw was left weak by the Potlatch ban and could not mount strong enough resistance. 


There is a curse resulting from this mistreatment and the Canucks will not win the cup until our ownership of the land under the City of Vancouver is restored to US!!!!!

The People may even riot … if you get our drift.

These concepts were made open to the British after Father William Duncan learned Tsalmalkit and it can be concluded that the Potlatch Ban was aimed at hiding these facts.

The same damage was done when generations were taken away and denied opportunity to learn Tsalmalkit.

This Seal is about how the Temlaham Myth began. 

I will first confide this Seal to Gitemgaldo, Djogaslee and Wiigakh. 


This Seal is to be confided first to my Haida daughter, Ms. Catherine Anne Sterritt in encouraging her to claim for her son Dawson, the title left by our Uncle Dempsy, CHIEF SKIDEGATE.

Erika Jean's daughter, VANESSA JEAN THE HAIDA PRINCESS QUEEN, will continue the Haida Matriarchal lineage of this World Crown. 


The seventh and final Seal is the proof that I, James Russell Sterritt, the only son of Haaxw and of Alma, am the returned JESUS CHRIST

I will open this Seal when the World is in attendance at the planned Potlatch.

These revelations complete the gospels by opening up the THIRD TESTAMENT OF HEAVEN.

Howa TsalmKgeKit, TsalmkgeKittimHanaak, g'un Kuba Wilps.


Chief Kitsilano

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